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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  January 13, 2013 7:00pm-8:00pm PST

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supportive of each other, it starts with simple things you can control. the reason i focus on the body. you can control what's happening in here. you can change the world outside of it, i think that's the mantra we need to take into the new year. >> how much of it is mental? >> mental is where you win it all. if you look at the root cause of so many problems we face in our lives, it starts up there. you want to start with small actionable steps. if you realize the sacrednessp what we were given when we were born. and then you treasure it, as a temple of the soul which is what it is. it allows you to realize is this is what the action is, and at its core, it's not about competing in the journey of life, it's about taking a small time-out and realizing the wisdom of how beautiful whatever we were handed is. >> i'm going to show you the power of my mind, six weeks
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you're coming back, those numbers are going down. >> okay. you're in the cnn newsroom, i'm drew griffin in for don lemon tonight. this will be a pivotal week in the political battle between those who want stricter gun control laws and those fighting to protect the right to own guns in the united states. on tuesday, the vice president and his task force will send gun violence recommendations to the oval office. both sides bracing for a fight. we have more on this story in a moment. but first, police in san diego were forced to shoot a man with a gun who ran inside a movie theater. the officers reen spoding to a domestic disturbance call yesterday when they chased the armed suspect into a crowded theater. moviegoers poured out. officers shot the suspect who survived, but is in critical
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condition tonight. american troops help france in an attempt to rescue a french intelligence agent. president obama today detailed the u.s. involvement in the mission, which was friday night. he said, u.s. troops led to what he called limited technical support and made american aircraft available if needed. the mission failed. the captured agent was not rescued and the french government believes he is dead. hundreds of thousands of people opposing same sex marriage rallied on the streets of paris today. france's president is pushing a plan to legalize same sex marriage and adoptions. it faces strong opposition from the roman catholic church. the plan is expected to be voted on by the national assembly in march or february. a break for americans hoping to adopt russian kids, a ban on american adoptions willing not
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go into effect until next year, according to a russian news agen agency. hundreds of russians in moscow protest the russian government's ban, believing that freeze on adoptions was passed as backlash for the passage of a new u.s. law, which targets human rights violations in russia about the decision to delay the ban means 46 adoptions underway should go through. former president george h.w. bush may finally get to leave the hospital this week, the 43rd president shown on his birthday in june has been in the hospital since november 23rd for bronchitis and then what was described as a stubborn fever, his son, jeb bush says his dad is expected to be released tomorrow. a family spokesman says they are hopeful he will be discharged but still taking things day to day. the nfl playoffs are down to four. the atlanta falcon s kick a gam
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winning field goal in the final seconds, defeating the seahawks 30-28. atlanta advancing to the conference championship game next sunday against san francisco. tom braidly led new england to a 41-28 win over the texans. the patriots play baltimore in the afc championship game. it's 30 days since the massacre at that elementary school in connecticut, and just two days until the vice president and his task force, make public their ideas to put the brakes on gun violence. listen to some of the statements from lawmakers. >> i'm urging our country's major gun retailers like walmart and sports authority to suspend sales of modern assault style weapons until congress is able to fully consider and vote on legislation to curb gun violence. >> when a president takes all the power of his office, if he's
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willing to expend political capital, you don't want to bet your house on the outcome, but i would say that the likelihood is, they're not going to be able to get an assault weapons ban through this kwocongress. >> let's be honest, we're not always going to be able to find these individuals who on a dime turn into mad men. and what could have helped here in newtown is a ban on assault weapons. i have to tell you, if we had a ban on assault weapons and a ban on high capacity magazine clips, this guy would have never taken up weapons in the first place. there would be little boys and girls alive in newtown today, i believe, if you had banned assault weapons and these high capacity magazine clips. that's something question can do now and do now. >> susan candiotti is in newtown
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connecticut. the people of that town marked one month today. there's the delicate subject of what to do about the school itself, do they make it a memorial or tear it down? >> reporter: tonight in new town, there was a public forum with many people trying to decide what to do about the future of sandy hook elementary school, where the shooting occurred. and there were so many different opinions. do they tear it down forever? do they rebuild the school? do they put a memorial there? hard to get a consensus, not surprising in this town since it's only been a month since the shooting. >> st. rose of lima church lost nine of its youngest members at sandy hook. a vigil drew thousands that first night, and then there were the funerals. >> i was this far away from the families. it was palpable what they were going through. >> how well are people healing? >> there's a lot of pain, a lot
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of grief, when it's going to go away i don't know, it may not every go away. >> something that astounds deacon rick scinto and parishioners. >> it's a month later, what are all these boxes doing here? >> these are the gifts, letters, prayer cards coming in from all over the country, all over the world. >> thousands of pieces of mail carefully sorted for each victim, including the shooter's mother and the killer himself. >> what is this all a sign of? >> this is the world putting their arm around newtown and saying, we're here for you in some way. >> like a huge banner that reads, we are with you newtown, filled with signatures hanging from an overpass. it's all the way from tucson, arizona. the sight of the gabby giffords mass shooting, down the street from the elementary school, a beau co marks the spot where a
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makeshift memorial once stood, now dismantled, composted, preserved for a permanent memorial. in this community people turned to each other for strength. many with the same question. >> the main question is why. why did this happen, how did this happen? >> seeking answers no one may ever have. >> at this point no perfect answer about the future of sandy hook elementary. drew? >> susan candiotti tonight in newtown connecticut. could we see congress take up legislation that would ban assault rifles? we're going to hear from the left and the right about the chances such a proposal might have. uhh, it's next month, actually... eddie continues singing: to tickets to... paradiiiiiise! no four. remember? whoooa whooaa whooo! you know ronny, folks who save hundreds of dollars by switching to geico sure are happy. and how happy are they jimmy? happier than eddie money running a travel agency.
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vice president biden's proposals for reducing gun violence are expected to focus on video games and other subjects that should get people talking. the last ban didn't work anyway. when i talked about it with elcy granderson and el navarro, i asked lz his thoughts? >> it's interesting, there are three different conversations in my opinion, that's happening in regard to guns. the first conversation is about mass shootings, and what are we going to do about that, the second conversation is about the shootings that happen every other day in our streets, particularly in chicago. and then the conversation about the culture of guns, and that's where the movie violence and the video games come in from. i'm curious to see what vice
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president biden is going to unveil, those are three different conversations, you can't clean this all up with one fell swoop. >> i want to ask you about the strategy here, the president, he goes for an assault weapons ban, will have to use a lot of political muscle to do that, if you look at the fbi statistics, we have horrific events that occur with these guns sometimes mostly it is pistols and handguns that are involved statistically in the crimes, if you're going to attack the murders in this country would you attack those other guns. i'm wondering why you think it is they would like to go afr the assault weapons at this time. >> i think lz was exactly right. there are three different conversations going on, i think they have to turn it into one big comprehensive approach. if it's only framed as an assault weapons ban, it will have a difficult time going through congress. but, yes, you know, the president is going to have to spend the capital, he has it and he's going to have to spend it,
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i'm sure vice president biden who is pregnant the with this, this is his baby. in case we haven't noticed, he's already running for president, he's going to want something done. the issue is not going away, as cnn was covering the meetings of the vice president on the issue, they had to breakaway, because there was yet another school shooting going on at the same time. every time there is a shooting and the sad reality is, that these things will continue happening in all likelihood, the american people are going to ask, what has been done since newtown, that will become the new question. this issue had been under the rug for the last four years, it had been awfully quiet, despite all the different episodes we've had of shootings, now the pandora box is open, and the expectation of the american people that something moves is much greater than it's been in the last four years, his way of doing it is a comprehensive approach.
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>> pete rose weighs in on this past week's baseball hall of fame snub. but as you'll see, his remarks don't sit well with one of the hall of fame voters. humans. even when we cross our t's and dot our i's, we still run into problems. namely, other humans. which is why at liberty mutual insurance, auto policies come with new car replacement and accident forgiveness if you qualify. see what else comes standard at
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liberty mutual insurance. responsibility. what's your policy?'s eating less. to losing weight. i'm hungry just thinking about it. thank goodness for new slimful. one delicious, 90-calorie slimful and a glass of water, like before dinner, helps keep me satisfied for hours. so instead of this much, i only need this much. and slimful tastso good... i don't even miss dessert. slimful and a glass of water... eating less is a beautiful thing.
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usa today reports lance armstrong will admit doping in an interview with oprah win friday. his interview will air thursday, his first television interview since he was stripped of his seven tour de france titles. cycling observers say it's about time armstrong confessed. >> better late than never. i mean, it's bad he did it to start with, but at least he'll come clean so to speak.
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>> now that he's been dropped from the cycling world, i don't think it will hurt him, i believe that this will soften up his admission of -- if he does admit it, it will bring him back into the cycling world. >> thursday's interview will air at 9:00 p.m. on the oprah win friday network. other sports news for the eighth time in history, no one was elected to the national baseball hall of fame this year. the baseball writers association said no to barry bonds, roger clemens, mark mcgwire and sammy so sosa. those are some of the biggest names in baseball history, but all allegedly cheated by using performance enhancing drugs. earlier, don lemon asked former cincinnati reds superstar pete rose, himself banned from the hall of fame for gambling. his thoughts on the hall of fame shutout, and the odds that one day he might be inducted. >> as far as the guys you mentioned, with the exception of clemmens, because he's a pitcher, wouldn't it be nice if
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you could interview babe ruth? roger maris, hank aaron? those are the guys who lost their records because of the suspension of steroids, not -- i don't know if i'll get in trouble for this, i have to defend roger clemmens in this. the reason i have to defend him is because until this day, he says he didn't take steroids, and he's never flunked a drug test, and he went in front of two different courts and they both ruled in favor of him. who am i to say that roger clemens took steroids because he won some games after he's 40 years old. bonds admitted he put the steroids on him, sosa flunked a test. palmeiro flunked a test, let's talk about biggio and piazza and jack morris. >> yeah, that was my next question. let me ask the question, there were others on the ballot, catcher mike piazza as you said, the dodgers and the mets, craig biggio was on there, long time second baseman for the houston
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astros. and curt schilling. many say he helped the boston red sox win in 2007. the fact that they got shut out, does that surprise you? >> it does. at least one of them should go in there, i wonder if what happened. did all the writers say, there's too many guys connected to steroids, don't put anybody in. that's not fair to those guys. craig biggio was the first player that was on the ballot for the first time that didn't make the hall of fame since 1945. that's how long that's been. and there hasn't been anybody going into the hall of fame since 1996. so that's strange too. we got friendscooperstown that own stores and they rely on cooperstown week to survive for the whole year. we wonder what's going to happen with those people with no
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induction. >> while i have you here, can we talk about lance armstrong? what do you make of his situation? >> well, lance is a little bit like me, i'll tell you why, for anybody watching us talk, i would give them some advice. if you do something wrong, come clean quick. as quick as you possibly can. i waited too long, lance waited too long. it's just going to build up and get worse and worse and worse. so admit your problem, attack your problem, i'm at peace with myself now, it took me some years to do what bart giamatti wanted me to do, he wanted me to take responsibility for what i did. i've done that now. my mind's clean, my body's clean, my fans understand that, my teammates understand it, and we'll go from there. that's what lance needs to do. >> it was for you, it wasn't about drugs it was about bet something. >> yeah, yeah. >> do you think someone who
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physically alters their body should be allowed in the hall of fame at all before you? >> the records of baseball are a sacred thing, that's why baseball cards are worth more than basketball cards or football cards, it started in 1869 and wouldn't it be nice if you could talk to hank aaron today or roger maris or babe ruth? those are the guys who lost the records. if someone got 4257 and beat my record and was linked to steroids, i would have a lot of things to say about him. up until now, that has not happ happened. when you alter the statistics of baseball, you're really chaeting the fans of every era, and the fans of today's era, it's not right. >> you think you should be eligible for the hall of fame and -- are you hoping? you think one day it will change? >> well, here's what i think. i think this is america. and i think everybody at one time or another should be given a second chance. everyone that's what i'm waiting for, and i'm not here to complain, i'm the one that
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screwed up. i'm not complaining to anybody, i just hope that someone that runs baseball will feel in their heart to give me a second chance. i won't need a third. i'll guarantee you that. >> america's pastime, it's all about redemption. we love a good redemption story. >> yes. >> well, we have clinton, we have nixon, we have a lot of other people that obviously got a second chance. >> by the way, pete rose has a six part tv series coming up, hits and misses, the misses would be the woman sitting next to him. premiering tomorrow on tlc. i spoke with terence moore, i asked about this week's announcement that hall of fame voters had chosen no one to join the hall from this year's ballot. and terence took issue with pete rose's defense of roger clemens. >> well, two confessions, i personally have known pete rose for 35 years. he was my all time favorite player growing up as a youth.
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it pains me to say this but pete is wrong about this. roger clemens best friend at the time said roger clemens told him he used steroids. he backed out at the last minute when he was talking to the feds. the other thing pete said, numbers matter in baseball more so than any other sport. i mean, baseball's been around since 1869, have you these steroid users going against willie mays and hank aaron in history books is not fair to the guys of the past when you lump these knuckle heads in with them. >> this steroid era lasted awhile, could we see a repeat next year and the year after. >> two former atlanta braves heroes, they're going to right the ship, they will be first ballot hall of famers, no steroids there, this will become a moot point. it's an unusual hunting contest even for florida.
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they're looking for pythons. john zarrella tells us why the state is holding a month long contest to kill those snakes. oc ♪ that'll save the day. ♪ so will bounty select-a-size. it's the smaller powerful sheet. the only one with trap + lock technology. look! one select-a-size sheet of bounty is 50% more absorbent than a full size sheet of the leading ordinary brand. use less. with the small but powerful picker upper, bounty select-a-size. use less. with the small but powerful picker upper, ♪ ♪ hi dad. many years from now, when the subaru is theirs... hey. you missed a spot. ...i'll look back on this day and laugh. love.
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dell has the technology and services to help you solve it. people are hunting pythons in florida and they can win prizes to do it. it's part of a month-long challenge to tackle the exploding python population. we talked with a state officer. >> you could go out there for days and days and days and not see one python, i don't care how much experience you have. it's going to take some luck. >> if we remove one snake from the ecosystem we've done a good thing, imagine if 700 people are
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out there and they bring one snake, that's 700 less snakes we have in the ecosystem. >> john zarrella is in the florida everglades with the latest. >> reporter: this is the road that goes east/west and bisecretaries the florida everglades between miami and nape els. we're closer to nape els than miami. we've been out here for a couple hours looking for pythons, it's not that easy to find them, that's for sure. at night, they like to come up by the road and take the warmth of that road off the payment and that keeps their bodies warm. they're cold blooded creatures. i'm joined by justin matthews. you're a wildlife expert trying to find these things. the reality is, we didn't get any, didn't find any. that's to be expected. >> yes, it is. a needle in a haystack. i would be surprised if we came out today and got a snake. >> it's been so warm lately? >> yes, been so warm, they've
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been curled up, been, you know, hiding in the shade in the thicket, where people can't go, and chances are we've walked right by one today. didn't see it. >> it's an invasive species, they're trying to get rid of them here, the real problem in florida. south florida especially, right? >> yes, big problem, they're killing our native wildlife. >> not that many, though? >> and they're doing -- killing the native wildlife? >> yes, they are, and that's why we're here. we've run a wildlife rescue and we want to save native wildlife. >> there's a month of this hunt to go, you'll be back. you're going to try to get some more. >> yeah. >> the reality is, as justin was saying, it's like a needle in a heystack out here, or anywhere. there's millions of acres of everglades, maybe there's 100, 150,000 of these snakes out here, that's at the top end. it's really going to be interesting to see how many people over the course of the
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month catch snakes and how many are brought in in total john 12k5 rel la, cnn reporting from the florida everglades. half past the hour now, let's take a look at the headlines. on tuesday, a task force headed by vice president joe biden, expected to recommend a ban on assault style weapons. that's just one option the task force may put in the president's desk in the wake of the connecticut shooting a month ago. president obama made clear this weekend he is ready for a fight over how he responds to the recommendations. american troops helped france in an attempt to rescue a french intelligence agent held hostage by militants in somalia. president obama detailed the u.s. involvement which happened friday night. he said u.s. troops landed limited technical support and made american aircraft available if needed. the mission failed. the captured agent was not
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rescued, and the french government believes he is now dead. former president george h.w. bush may get to leave the hospital this week. the 41st president shown here on his birthday last june has been in the hospital since november 23rd for bronchitis and then what was described as a stubborn feev. his son, former florida governor jeb bush says his dad is expected to be released tomorrow. the family spokesman says they are hopeful, but still taking it a day at a time. a political wound may be reopened in egypt. former president hosni mubarak has won his appeal and is going to get a new trial. an egyptian court overturned mubarak's life sentence for his role in the killing of protesters during egypt's revolution. mubarak supporters cheered in court when that decision came down. mubarak will remain in custody until his new trial starts. the next court date is likely in
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april. a somber day for families marking the one-year anniversary of the costa con koerds ya cruise liner tragedy. 32 passengers and crew who died aboard the massive ship were remembered during a mass today on the small italian island where the liner ran aground. the ship is partially submerged still in the harbor. it's captain could face charges denying he did anything wrong. the nfl playoffs are down to the final four. the atlanta falcons kicked that game wingfield goal in the final seconds defeating seattle 30-28. atlanta advancing to the conference championship game next week against san francisco. in the meantime, tom brady led new england to a 41-28 win over the houston texans. the patriots are set to play baltimore in the afc championship game. as i mentioned a moment ago, the nation should know tuesday whether the vice president's gun task force will recommend trying
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to curb gun violence. some schools are not waiting for the government to act. a school board in montpilier, ohio letting certain school staffers carry concealed guns, a move that was in the works before the sandy hook elementary school massacre. >> it's kind of scary to think about having gun in a school full of children. >> although we felt we were doing a good job with keeping the doors locked, and making visitors sign in and all that, we felt as though it was time to take another step. >> no doubt, montpilier officials hope they can keep gunmen out of their buildings, but what if a gunman gets in? here's miguel marquez with more. >> lockdown, lockdown, lockdow
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>> it's called active shooter training. >> the isscenarios horrified. >> don't run from me. >> a heavily armed mass killer all too possible. they use masks in this scenario to make this as real as possible. they use air guns, the gunman tried to get in through this door, the people in this room barricaded themselves in. is it helpful, the scenarios, how realistic are they? >> they're absolutely realistic. even though you know they're not real bullets. immediately, i don't want to get shot at even if it's with a soft pellet gun. >> reporter: home to 30,000 students, a university has opened its doors to response options, a texas company teaching civilians survival skills for mass shootings. >> the lessons you're teaching are important? >> yes. >> why?
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>> what has been taught to them before has been shown not to work. >> what doesn't work is only trying to hide from a gunman. the company teaches other options like providing good information, barricading, escaping and in extreme situations, countering a gunman. >> students at alabama's auburn university underwent the training here at san diego state, all incoming freshmen will undergo training. >> we want people to know what their options are before they happen, so they don't waste time figuring out what they're going to do next. >> reporter: in 1996, graduate student frederick martin davidson stressed about defending his masters thesis killed three faculty members. today it seems everyone has a connection to public shootings. game edgemeyer's son now attends virginia tech where 49 people were killed or injured in that
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massacre. >> you have concerns about your child going to any college. at virginia tech, there was more concern. >> reporter: getting students and staff to think about the unthinkable, a hard reality. cnn, san diego. it amounts to an academic mutiny, some teachers in seattle refusing to give their students a required test. we'll tell you why and get a school administrator to weigh-in on that move by those educators. t recommended it. and that makes me feel pretty good about it. and then i heard about a study looking at multivitamins and the long term health benefits. and what do you know? they used centrum silver in the study. makes me feel even better, that's what i take. sorry, we take. [ male announcer ] centrum. the most recommended. most preferred. most studied. centrum, always your most complete.
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teachers are boycotting a standardized test at a seattle high school. 19 teachers refused to give the measures of academic progress test after seattle's school district decided to factor the exam into teacher's evaluations. teachers say the test is flawed. >> i'm happy to have anyone come in and look at my work. it's just that i don't think they should be tested by this test. >> they adopted it for $4 million. why would they adopt a test they haven't vetted? they haven't made sure is a line to our curriculum? i think there's a clear conflict of interest. >> the test is not required in washington state.
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seattle public schools representatives have not commented on the uproar, noted school principal author and tv host steve perry is joining us live from hartford, connecticut. do the teachers have a point? >> no, they don't have a point. what they are trying to do is trying to skirt the responsibility of accountability. this examination like so many others probably has some flaws, as most examinations do. as the examinations that they give in their own classrooms do. if we look at some of the real data, we find that american students are at the bottom third in virtually every international comparison. all we do is depend upon the opinion of one teacher as opposed to a standardized examination. which tells us what children can do. this particular test, we offer it in our school, and yes as the teachers say, sometimes kids don't take this test seriously. it's a teachable moment. you explain how important the examination is, and work through them so they can begin to move
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forward. >> the teachers say they weren't given any sample test or test questions to get prepared for this test. should that be done? >> it's a standardized examination, they're being tested on basic skills, this math test in particular, it gets harder as you answer more questions and easier as you answer less questions. the purpose of it is to provide a diagnostic examination. one in which at the end of the test, at the end of the examination we as faculty and staff can look at children's strengthens and weaknesses and put that in the curriculum. >> the teachers weren't opposed to the test until they realized it was going to evaluate them and their teaching ability. >> shocker. here we go again, right? anything that's going to prove that they might need to do things differently, somehow is evil. every single time they have an issue with a standardized examination, my question is
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this, where is yours, why don't you put forward an examination that you think is fair? here's the point, there's more variation in a school between one english teacher and another english teacher than these standardized tests. one kid can take an english test with one teacher and get an a, take the test with another and get a b. >> as an administrator, what do you do in a case like this? you have an elected school board, you have administration in the school, and you have what amounts to a revolt by the teachers or 19 teachers at this high school. what should be done? >> to me, it's insub order nation. i don't see why people aren't getting fired? >> that's a quick answer. >> we'll see what happens in seattle. thanks for joining us from hartford, connecticut. appreciate it. it sat in a new york park for years, kids probably played
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breathe easier with advil® congestion relief. ya. alright, another one just like that. right in the old bucket. good toss! see that's much better! that was good. you had your shoulder pointed, you kept your eyes on your target. let's do it again -- watch me. just like that one... [ male announcer ] the durability of the volkswagen passat. pass down something he will be grateful for. that's the power of german engineering. ♪ back to you.
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this thing could have caused a major blast from the past literally. preservation workers cleaning that revolutionary war era
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cannon the other day were shocked to see it was loaded with the cannonball and live gun powder. the cannon was mounted on display in central park for more than 100 years. >> it's an amazing surprise, it was there so many years, people were sitting on it when it was a loaded cannon. the cleaning crew called the bomb squad. a police spokesperson said yes in theory it could have been fired all those years it was on public display. john f. kennedy was not assassinated by a lone gunman, at least that was the belief of his brother, robert f. kennedy, according to robert kennedy, jr. speaking at a roundtable in dallas, kennedy said his father publicly supported the warren commission which said it was a lone gunman, but privately, his father was much more critical of the conclusion. his father thought there was strong evidence -- he asked the justice department to look into
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the connection between the assassination, the mafia, the cia and other organizations. the younger kennedy says his dad never publicly voiced those concerns, because he thought it would take away from the civil rights fight that was gripping the country. the man practiced hail to the chief today for president obama's inauguration a week from tomorrow. >> there's the president now -- >> it was rehearsal with hundreds of band members, military personnel, media and law enforcement taking part. they used stand ins for the president and first lady. the military is getting ready to make sure everyone stays safe. >> on the morning of the inauguration the biggest move you'll see is in the pentagon south parking lot, where they will screen all of the buses and parade participants. >> washington, d.c., expecting more than 500,000 people to attend the inauguration. cnn is your home for complete coverage of the inauguration,
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starts next sunday morning. and lead up to the official swearing in of the president for his second term on monday all the way through the official inaugural balls monday night. now to the big stories in the week ahead. from the white house to wall street. we begin with the president's plans for the week. >> i'm brianna keeler at the white house. president obama will participate in a ceremony at the white house. joe biden will deliver his much awaited recommendations on how to deal with gun violence. president obama will spend the rest of the week in washington attending meetings at the white house. coming up this week on wall street, earnings season is well underway, we're going to get quarterly results from a lot of the big banks. we're also going to hear from american express, general electric and ebay.
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we'll get the december retail sales numbers, including the holiday shopping season. and we'll also get key housing and inflation figures. we'll keep you posted on all of it. here's what we're watching this week. we're going to have special live coverage tomorrow morning at 10:00 a.m., all of the surprises and snubs for you. and tomorrow night on the show, i'm going one on one with the great rob lowe. i'll see you at 11:00 p.m. eastern and pacific on hln. coming up -- >> what's your name. >> django. >> then you're exactly the one i'm looking for. >> it's earned millions at the box office, honored at the golden globe awards tonight. the movie django unchained is drawing crowds and controversy. ♪
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it is one of the hottest films out right now, django unchained. it won a couple golden globe awards tonight, it's nominated for academy awards. while the film is making big bucks at the box office, it's the source of big controversy, quentin tarantino who is no stranger to violence and shock value may have gone too far. nichelle turner takes a closer look. >> it's not your average spaghetti western.
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django unchained special mix of slavery, comedy and violence has made a killing at the box office and blown away many in hollywood. >> nobody better. >> i'm a big fan. >> not everyone's a fan. >> director spike lee told vibe tv he refused to see the film. adding on twitter, american slavery was not a sergeo leone spaghetti western it was a holocaust. >> well, he's absolutely right. >> louis gossett jr. imagines lee's version of the film. >> it would be more informative, more sensitive to its audience. >> it was only 15 minutes into django that gossett had enough. enough of being the only black person in the theater. >> i had to go to another place so i could see it from beginning to end. >> by the end, he had heard the
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n word about 100 times in three hours. >> they used the n word too much. i'm close to the generation that was really touched by slavery and its mentality. i can give it credit for being brillian the. >> l.a. reid echos that thought, he liked the film, but thought tarantino should have toned it down, saying, it's a painful part of america's history and still an open wound. but a wound that some say has a scab that is healing. >> i thought it was dope. i thought it was nice. you've never seen a film like that in that era of time portrayed that way, when you are a trailblazer, you can expect some extra criticism. >> that's what you want. you want it to be criticized, critiqued, people that are really talking about it. >> now, even more people are talking about it. >> this is a slap in the face to our ancestors. >> community organizers in los angeles called for a boycott against the film's action
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figures. >> this is highly offensive and we demand these dolls be pulled immediately. >> calm down butch. >> no offense. >> and no offense intended. the weinstein company tells cnn in light of the reaction to the django unchained action figures we are removing them from distribution. they were meant to be collectibles for people 17 years and older which is the audience for the film. as the film's audience grows, so likely will the debate. in a country where most agree it's good to be free to disagree. >> django unchained director said he was surprised to win best screenplay at the golden globe awards tonight. he got another golden globe for the movie, christophe walts.
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hugh jackman won for his performance in les mis. he almost called the director and gavg up on the role, because he got so nervous during the rehearsals. his wife convinced him to stick with it. ben affleck won best director for argo. that's a movie about a daring rescue during the iran hostage crisis. best original song went to adele for skyfall, the theme song she wrote and sang for the latest james bond movie. anne hathaway also sang her way to a golden globe for her tragic role in les mis. and julianne moore won for her role as 2008 vice presidential president sarah palin in game change. in southern california, they're fishing for squid. not this squid, but we have both of those fish tales. or maybe squid tales, just ahead for you.
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here's a fish tale that starts a half mile under the ocean. the first ever pictures of a giant squid in its natural habitat. the 10 foot find was tauted as one of the most important discoveries in decades. in california, they don't have time to talk about giant squids, they have their own fishing frenzy underway. >> it's a southern california
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squid frenzy. >> get him up and over. >> every night, fishing boats packed to the gills set off to hunt for 2 to 3 foot long, sometimes bigger squid. the sea here off dana point thick with krill, squid food, the elusive creature, good sport fishing. they make a fine squid steak. they are bizarre shooting ink and water as they fight to stay in the sea. out of the water they change colors. sometimes like a traffic light. >> this is what the squid hunters have come after. there's the eye there. their teeth are right in here. if i stuck my hand in there it would try to grab me. amazingly, someone grabbed ahold of this one, you can see a perfect handprint on that squid right there. >> it's rare to have so many squid off the coast here for so ng